Dispute Resolution
Employment Law Advice
Private Client
Choosing a nursing home or care provider and dealing with the costs associated can often involve complex and daunting de... We have extensive experience handling the many aspects of legal work that are specific to the charitable sector. Contract disputes can arise over a wide range of goods and services, from the purchase of consumer goods through to the ... Whether you are looking to buy, sell or mortgage your home, AWB Charlesworth Solicitors Limited has the expertise to gui... If a person does not have a Lasting Power of Attorney or an Enduring Power of Attorney in place and no longer have capac... If you have loaned money to someone, our team can advise you on the most efficient, cost-effective way of seeking to rec... Is your employer treating you differently to other employees at work? The law prohibits employers from discriminating ag... We regularly help clients to mitigate their inheritance tax liabilities. The increasing amount of globalisation has resulted in many individuals having a opportunity to own assets from multiple... Many employment contracts incorporate benefits for employees such as private healthcare, pensions and childcare vouchers... Powers of Attorney are documents that allow others (called attorneys) to make decisions on behalf of others (called dono... Sorting out the financial affairs of a person who has died can be very difficult, especially when that person may have b... If you believe you have been let down by a professional and you were owed a duty of care which has not been met, you may... We can advise and represent you, whether you are a landlord or tenant. Has your employer made you redundant? All employees made redundant are entitled to notice or notice pay and some may als... When an employee has a formal disciplinary hearing there is no actual statutory right for them to have legal representat... Many employers, when terminating an employee’s employment contract, will offer the employee a sum of money in return for... Put simply, a trust involves one or more people (a trustee or trustees) holding assets for the owner or owners of those ... A Will is one of the most important legal documents you make in your lifetime.