Where do you keep your will? If you don’t know, maybe we can help

Will folders

In your ancient family vault? In a biometrically-protected, state-of-the-art, modern safe? In the “Drawer of Valuable Documents”? Or down the back of the sideboard, having slipped off the dreaded pile of paperwork, awaiting filing? Where do you keep your will?

Here at AWB Charlesworth, we’ll store your will for you in our Safe Storage Area. And for our clients, we’ll do it free of charge. So, if you die, your loved ones will know exactly where it is and the executors can access it immediately. This is particularly useful if they live far away or live abroad. Instead of family members sifting through cupboards, one phone call can provide them with the information they need.

And it doesn’t just have to be your will. Increasingly, we’re storing other information, regarding funeral wishes, powers of attorney and digital legacies: Facebook passwords, Google log-ins, etc.

Whether you’re very organised or have a laid-back approach to filing, having all your valuable documents in one place can save a lot of a time and a great deal of stress for your loved ones.

For advice on any aspect of Wills, Trust and Probate, contact Aqeelah Bahadar on 01535 613681 or aqeelah.bahadar@awbclaw.co.uk.

Aqeelah Bahadar Thumbnail

14 February 2024

Further reading:

Avoid the Aretha Franklin method of will-writing!

Are wills worth the paper they’re written on?

Contested wills going to court 140% up in the last 10 years

Making a will: Overview (www.gov.uk)
