The Impact of Employee Absence & Office Gossip

Office gossip and absenteeism

Employee absence is always inevitable, due to illness, personal matters or holidays. However, extended or frequent absences can lead to office gossip, reduced productivity, reduced morale, and potentially lead to an overall negative work environment.

Understanding Employee Absence

Employee absence relates to any time an employee is not at work during their scheduled hours. Absences can be planned (holidays or medical leave) or unplanned (sick days or emergencies).

The Impact of Absenteeism

Decreased productivity occurs when colleagues take on extra work leading to burnout, slower progress with tasks or not being able to meet deadlines. Companies may incur increased costs for temporary staff or having to pay overtime. Frequent unplanned absences can frustrate and burden other employees as well as disrupt workflows, lower morale and increase staff turnover.

The Role of Office Gossip

Office gossip involves informal discussions being had about colleagues, company decisions or management.

The Dangers of Gossip

Gossip can erode trust among employees: it hinders collaboration, causes a breakdown in communication between employees and can harm employee relationships. Unverified information can damage an individuals’ reputation and erodes trust in their peers. Pervasive gossip contributes to a toxic culture, increasing stress and decreasing job satisfaction, resulting in an increase of staff turnover.

How Absenteeism Fuels Office Gossip

Frequent absences can lead to speculation and gossip among colleagues, potentially spreading misinformation and creating distrust. Prolonged absences may lead to gossip about an employee’s health. Extended absences without clear communication can spark rumours about job security.

Managing office gossip and absenteeism

To effectively manage absenteeism and office gossip, it’s crucial to establish clear policies and maintain open communication. Encourage employees to inform their supervisors promptly about absences and provide valid reasons. Companies should implement a fair and consistent attendance policy that includes consequences for excessive absenteeism.

To deter gossip amongst employees, employers should encourage a positive work environment where transparency and respect are prioritised. Rumours and gossip should be addressed directly by providing accurate information (in so far as possible) and employees should be encouraged to focus solely on their work. Regular team meetings and one-on-one checks with employees can help identify and resolve issues early, promoting a culture of trust and collaboration.

At AWB Charlesworth Solicitors we have extensive experience in employment law for large businesses, small businesses and start-ups. If you need legal advice at any stage, contact Michelle Coughlan on 01535 613661 or email

18 August 2024

Further reading:

When Employment Contracts Aren’t Signed

3 (legal) things that every new business should do!

What is a settlement agreement?

Gov UK – Employing People

