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The increasing amount of globalisation has resulted in many individuals having a opportunity to own assets from multiple countries. Each governed by their own set of laws and successions rules.
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Choosing a nursing home or care provider and dealing with the costs associated can often involve complex and daunting decisions.
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If a person does not have a Lasting Power of Attorney or an Enduring Power of Attorney in place and no longer have capacity to manage their own affairs then an application will need to be made to the Court of Protection for a Deputy Order.
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Professional Negligence
If you believe you have been let down by a professional and you were owed a duty of care which has not been met, you may be able to claim for your loss. At AWB Charlesworth Solicitors, our team can help you bring a claim against a professional negligence claim. We will:
- Advise you on your legal rights and options
- Explore an early settlement
- Seek an appropriate level of compensation for you
- Where necessary, pursue the matter through the Court.
Our team can help you bring a claim against:-
- Accountants
- Architects
- Financial Advisers
- Insurance Brokers
- Solicitors
- Surveyors