Online Payment Terms and Conditions

  1. Our secure payment page is provided by Smartpay from Barclays.
  2. All card details are stored by Barclays Smartpay in accordance with their Data Privacy Notice. Both AWB Charlesworth Solicitors and Smartpay are committed to ensuring that client data is retained, used and managed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations and Data Protection Act 2018.
  3. When the Smartpay secure payment page is used, all payments will be collected by Barclays SmartPay. AWB Charlesworth Solicitors does not store any card details or information regarding payments.
  4. Smartpay is responsible for the security of the secure payment page and the security of the money you pay via this facility. AWB Charlesworth Solicitors accepts no responsibility for your use of the secure payment page.
  5. Your payment will enter into the account of Smartpay. Funds are then transferred to the AWB Charlesworth Solicitors client account once we have authorised receipt of the payment.
  6. AWB Charlesworth Solicitors reserves the right to reject any payments made.
  7. Payments can only be accepted in GBP Sterling.
  8. The secure payment page is subject to a financial limit of £2,000. Attempts to pay more through one attempt or multiple attempts will be rejected. This is to ensure that we are protected against Anti-Money Laundering activities. For invoices or payments with a higher value than £2,000, please call us direct on 01535 613678.
  9. AWB Charlesworth Solicitors may require you to provide proof of the source of the funds. Where fraud or money laundering is suspected, we may be required to make disclosures to the police or appropriate fraud prevention or anti-money laundering agencies.