New legal code is great news for tenant farmers

Farm land and farm house which the code affects

It’s been called a “standard that works for everyone” (NFU) and “a useful tool to foster good relationships” (CLA). In fact, this new code of practice is being praised by pretty much everybody, including ourselves.

The Agricultural Landlord and Tenant Code of Practice for England, published this month aims to improve relationships and agreements within the tenanted farming sector. It is a voluntary code founded on three principles: clarity, communication and collaboration, and describes minimum standards expected of landlords and tenants, and their professional advisers.

Specific sections cover the whole range of areas where landlords interact with their tenants, from the initial grant of a tenancy, to rent reviews and access to environmental schemes right through to termination, renewal and dispute resolution.

Each section recommends commitments to clear communication, realistic timetables and expectations, mutual respect, the long view, and clear and documented agreed outcomes to negotiations conducted positively and flexibly.

Our Commercial Property Director, Janine Eaglesfield commented, “It’s commonsense in writing. We fully support the code and its use as a reference point for good practice. It should be of benefit to landlords and tenants in spelling out what is involved in a constructive working relationship and hopefully help reduce costly disputes. We very much welcome this initiative.”

If you need expert legal advice on any aspect of agricultural property law, call Janine Eaglesfield on 01756 692861 or email

Janine Eaglesfield Thumbnail

11 April 2024


Further reading:

The Agricultural Landlord and Tenant Code of Practice for England

The benefits of land registration for rural landowners

What are Rural England Prosperity Fund grants? And can you get one?

The ELM and CS grants Yorkshire Dales farmers are applying for most

Agricultural tenancy disputes

