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Related Services

Professionals who advise your business owe a duty of care. Where this duty has not been met and your business suffers a loss as a result, there may be a claim.
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Partnership disputes can have a devastating impact on your business, as well as personally, and can have serious consequences for your business.
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Running a successful business includes understanding and complying with contractual commitments to avoid being in breach of contract.
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Commercial Dispute Resolution

Our specialist team offers your business sound, practical advice and representation on a wide variety of claims and disputes. We will achieve the best result for your business, whether you are bringing or defending a claim.

We can advise and represent your business on issues including:

  • Breach of contract
  • Debt recovery
  • Professional negligence
  • Property disputes
  • Shareholder disputes
  • Partnership disputes
  • Disputes arising from corporate transactions
  • Intellectual property
  • Breach of restrictive covenants in employment contracts and shareholder agreements
  • Commercial agency disputes

Where possible, AWB Charlesworth Solicitors Limited will keep your case out of court, saving you time and reducing costs and stress. We often deal with issues by considering alternative dispute resolution methods, to assist with settlement negotiations.